Isiolo Information Platform for Food Security and Nutrition

Stakeholders Training and Sensitization

Opening Remarks by the Isiolo County -Director Monitoring and Evaluation Mr. Guyo Abdi, the County Director of Monitoring and Evaluation, extended a warm welcome to all attendees as the meeting commenced. He expressed gratitude towards the members and acknowledged the KNBS team’s participation in facilitating the meeting. Additionally, the Director thanked We World for their […]

The Establishment and Strengthening Of An Isiolo County NIPFN Platform

Malnutrition and Food insecurity have for decades been serious community concerns in Isiolo County. In an effort to get relevant and timely information and enhance a data-informed policy environment, the County Government of Isiolo in partnership with WeWorld Global has held 3 days of training of county officials from the relevant departments on the National […]

Establishment of Isiolo NIPFN Platform

We World-GVC is a part of a consortium of INGOs (namely VSF Suisse Kenya,AMREF, E4IMPACT, SOMIRENEC, WW GVC) that has been awarded a 4 years’ grant by the European Union on building Drought Resilience in Isiolo County through sustainable livelihoods.Building Drought Resilience Through Sustainable Livelihoods is a comprehensive 48-month project whose major objective is to […]